Saturday, October 24, 2009

My AV Online

Check out this community site set up by Samara Hart called "My AV Online." A community network and blog space specific to the Antelope Valley. I posted some of the NAMI info there, but check out the other members. There is even a blog that lists all the local menus courtesy of It's good to see an active community in the AV!

See you at The Square!

Hi Everyone!

This is a late newsbreak! I just got the news myself on Thursday. NAMI Antelope Valley is participating in a community event at the Ponticlon Square in Palmdale from 10AM until 4PM Today, October 24th. The square is located near the Chimbole Center on Palmdale Blvd. at Sierra Highway. Stop by and see us at the NAMI Information table. We will have information to hand out and someone to answer questions about NAMI. Se habla espanol.

See you at The Square!

Denise Boehlert
President, NAMI Antelope Valley