Monday, October 26, 2009

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | Helpline

How does flu season effect people with mental illness? The National NAMI website answers these good questions about flu season and you:

Why is this flu season important for people with mental illness?

What about hand-washing? Is that still a good idea?

I got the flu but I am now getting better. How long do I need to stay away from others?

How risky is the flu for people with mental illness?

Is my psychiatric medication a reason not to get the vaccine or vaccines?

The CDC has made changes to its recommendations regarding the flu vaccine. What do the changes mean for people with mental illness?

go here for the full article and answers to the above questions

Here is a great article about how far NAMI has come that appeared in the Huntington Post on October 6. Primarily interview Sharon Dunas a leader in LA County NAMI and president of the National Alliance on Mental Illness for the Westside of Los Angeles. Congratulations to Sharon Dunas and to Robert David Jaffee, a warrior for writing about NAMI and bringing light to the topic of mental illness!

Who do you call?

NPR's Morning Edition had a report on mental health issues on college campuses this morning. Besides the lack of psychologists and peer support groups, they also discussed the community wide problem of "Who Do You Call?" One student recounts her story of being woken up & interrogated by the police after talking to her family about her depression. Why is it that the police are the first responders to mental health crisis? What kind of buffers or safety nets can we build to fight the fear and stigma of dealing with a mental illness appropriately and safely?

Listen to the whole story here.